I have been writing since I was in sixth grade, and I don't mean for school assignments. I was really into anime (Japanese animation) and games growing up. Saturday morning cartoons were my favorite, and sometimes I would steal my sister's books to read.
Fanfiction was the start of my writing career. I polished my skills through writing stories about my favorite series or shows or games.
I steadily pursued writing original fiction during high school. It came in the form of roleplays (RPs) on internet forums, and countless sheets of paper. From there, I've been writing during my spare time, mostly as a hobby.
Sometimes I still write fanfiction, but I've focused more on original works on my own and with my partner in crime.
I don't always have time for writing. Unlike most other authors, I'm a full-time student, and school likes to take up a lot of my time. Between studying, homework, and attempting to maintain what small social life I have, writing gets squeezed in when I can make it.
I currently have three pets: one dog and two cats. Strays like to pop up on my front doorstep, so sometimes I feel like I have more than that. Haha.
Unfortunately, I'm not a well traveled person. I've been to a few places, but the place I know best is the South. Cowboys, ranches, sweltering summer days, hair-destroying humidity, swampy areas, mud, dirt, wind, salty ocean air, non-existent cold winters... You name it.
My writing is influenced by virtually everything around me. Family, friends, neighbors, pets, that stranger at the gas station, those kids in the parking lot, the internet, television, news, books I read, stories I hear... Everything. At some point, in some way, someone or something compels me to write.
Will I one day publish my work? I don't know. Maybe, if I ever finish. If I ever get someone to put it through the grinder. If, if, if. I'm not sure what the future holds, if I'll ever sell my work or just keep it free. For now, I'll just enjoy myself and continue writing as I please.