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October 30, 2010


I lay across the bed.
My eyes remain wide open.
My legs are caught,
tangled in the sheets.
My arms are ensnared,
held down by an invisible force.
Yet there is nothing physically there
to actually imprison me.

Fingers twitch---
I remember your touch;
your hands upon my wrists,
your fingers sometimes laced in mine.
I can still smell you---
the scent of your cologne
is engraved in my memories
and in my heart.

I can't forget your face.
I can't forget your smile.
I can't forget the way you talk
nor the way your skin feels against mine.

I twist and turn,
hoping to find comfort,
but this bed is empty
and far too big for just me.
I feel as if I'm drowning in it.

My eyes skim the surface,
wishing to relive that precious moment.
Though at the time I was fooling,
just playing and tugging with your heart,
inside I was so grateful.
Oh so grateful.

Moments are fleeting,
and sometimes you forget.
You don't cherish as much as you should.
I have learned that lesson well.

To run away is to miss a chance.
To ignore is to forfeit a golden opportunity
to create memories
and share a feeling that thrives
only between two people.

So now I lay trapped
by an indecision and helplessness
that chokes me.
Though I know
my body has the strength to move,
it does not have the will.

My hands search for a warm embrace
but they come up empty....

originally created and finished 27 April 2009
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